Nancy Bossov RJE, Director of Congregational Learning

Nancy brings a comprehensive set of skills developed over the past 30+ years working in Jewish communities
throughout the United States. She has developed skills in leading community events, inspiring excellence through
collaboration with educators, growing rich relationships with lay leaders, creative targeted marketing, and outreach, and simply being a mensch in private and in public.

She has developed a systematic planning process during her time working as a Religious School Director (White Plains NY), Community Family Educator (Baltimore, Md.), Early Childhood Education Director (Sarasota, FL and
New Rochelle, NY), and National Early Childhood Consultant (Union for Reform Judaism). She also has been mentored by amazing educators and pillars in their Jewish communities and professions.

Nancy is excited to be contributing her talents and proficiencies at Temple Shaarei Shalom. She has told us that one of her most valuable understandings is how important relationships are; strong, trusting, meaningful relationships are the foundation for everything else. Without them, evolution is slow and complicated. With sincere relationships, evolution is a joy and flows freely for all parties involved.

She has a proven track record in developing strong partnerships with her peer professionals and lay leaders. Teacher, parent, congregant, and student retention is a natural result of meaningful experiences that are relevant to one’s life.

(561) 364-9054 ext. 107

Jay LevineNancy Bossov RJE, Director of Congregational Learning