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TSS Funds

Adam Berger Scholarship Fund: To provide religious school scholarship assistance to the children of members. This fund was set up in memory of Adam Berger.

Addiction Prevention and Recovery Fund: To provide ongoing training for team members; to purchase books and/or other materials related to addiction and recovery; to pay for educational programs and/or speakers.

A Live Streaming/Zoom Programming Donations: To provide virtual programming for our members and the Jewish community in the areas of Religious, Social, and Education during any time when we cannot have in-person worship or programming.

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund: The Cantor administers this fund, at her discretion, to benefit activities, educational programs and charitable causes, including support for enhanced music for the High Holy Days and innovative music for other Services.

Capital Campaign Fund: To reduce the Temple’s mortgage. Congregational/General Fund: To support and sustain the ongoing mission of Temple Shaarei Shalom.

Library Fund: To provide books and other media for the Bonnie Arditti Edelstein Library.

Our Children’s Scholarship Fund: To provide religious school scholarship assistance to the children of members. This fund was set up by Sanvil and Patricia Newman.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: The Rabbi administers this fund, at his discretion, to benefit activities, educational programs and charitable causes, including occasional support for individuals and families in need.

Sacred Book Fund: To repair and maintain existing prayer books and High Holy Days books that are currently in use. To purchase ritual books for B’nei Mitzvah students.

Sanctuary Enhancement and Floral Fund: To ensure the upkeep of the Sanctuary and Flowers.

Sisterhood Religious School Scholarship Fund: To ensure the future of Judaism through the education of our children, this fund is intended to assist those families in need of support.

URJ Camp Overnight Camp Scholarship Fund: The URJ Overnight Camp Scholarship Fund was established to help defray the costs for the synagogue’s families to send their children to Camp Coleman, a URJ camp in Cleveland, Georgia, which services the Southeastern Region of the country. Donations will be divided equally among the children attending camp as an incentive for them to
enrich their Jewish experience.

Yahrzeit: To remember a loved one and support and sustain the ongoing mission of Temple Shaarei Shalom

TSS Endowed Funds

Gerness & Harvey Alpert (z”l) Endowment Fund: This Fund was endowed by Gerness & Harvey (z”l) Alpert to be distributed to all those TSS members who attend any URJ Overnight Camp.

Fran & Lance Berkowitz Youth Endowment Fund: This Fund was endowed by Fran & Lance Berkowitz to provide Post B’nei Mitzvah Education to all our students regardless of Financial Need.

Marilyn & Joe (z”l) Ernsteen Endowment Fund: This Fund was endowed by Marilyn and Joe (z”l) Ernsteen to help offset the cost of membership dues to those in need. Joe and Marilyn strongly believe in Temple membership and hope this fund will assist those who cannot afford membership dues.

Rabbi Anthony Fratello Endowment Fund: This Fund was endowed by members of Temple Shaarei Shalom in honor of Rabbi Fratello’s 18 years of leadership and will be used for special programming under the guidance of Rabbi Fratello.

Jerry Lieberman (z”l) Endowment Fund: This fund was endowed by the Lieberman and Garvey families in memory of Jerry Lieberman (z”l). It’s intended use is to help those in need with TSS membership dues so that they can enjoy and participate in the community and all it has to offer.

Harvey & Joan Milowe Endowment Fund: This fund was endowed by Harvey (z”l) & Joan Milowe to perpetuate their commitment to life-long learning. The fund will be used to support an annual Scholar-in-Residence.

Donald Price (z”l) Endowment Fund: This Fund was endowed by Donald Price (z”l) to encourage a Temple member’s eligible child to attend a NFTY (National Federation of Temple Youth) Leadership Conference.

Talmud Torah K’neged Kulam: Miriam Schaffer (z”l) Life-long Education Fund: Created to continue in perpetuity the lasting impact of Jewish Education that Miriam Schaffer (z”l) brought to Jews of all generations who have passed through our gates.

Murray (z”l) & Sandra Schneier Endowment Fund:

Gerri & Bart Seinberg Endowment Fund: This fund was endowed by Gerri & Bart Seinberg to provide Post B’nei Mitzvah Education to any Temple member in need.

Harriet & Irwin Wecker Endowment Fund: This Fund was endowed by Harriet & Irwin Wecker to serve as a reserve account to be used for unplanned expenses that the Temple may incur.

* All endowment Funds are managed by a financial planner with input from the TSS Endowment Committee. Funds are withdrawn on an annual basis according to the TSS Constitution.

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Special Donations

There are several opportunities for special donations at Temple Shaarei Shalom.

Memorial Plaque: One of the ways members of Temple Shaarei Shalom honor their deceased loved ones is through the commission of a memorial plaque. Memorial plaques are $500. Click here for the Memorial Plaque Order Form

Tree of Life Rocks and Leaves: Be part of our Tree of Life with a rock or a leaf. A Tree of Life Rock is $600, a Leaf is $360. Click here for the Tree of Life Order Form 

Commemorative Brick: Our commemorative brick walk is an excellent way to create a remembrance of a special occasion or just to add your name to the walk. A brick is $250 for Temple members, $500 for non-members. Click here for the Commemorative Brick Order Form


Jay LevineDonations