Religious School

“A Meaningful Jewish Education”

The Temple Shaarei Shalom Religious School was established in September 2000. The school program begins with Pre-Kindergarten (Rishonim) and continues through Confirmation in grade 10 with the opportunity to continue classes through grade 12.

The goal of the Religious School is to help students make informed choices by educating and instilling in them a sense of Jewish faith, culture, history, and tradition that will help shape their Jewish identity and their role within the Reform community, as well as the Jewish community at large.

The backbone of our studies is from the Shalom Learning curriculum. It is an interactive, values-based curriculum that helps children develop a positive Jewish identity. Through the use of videos, text, and prayer we examine these values through the lens of the family.

Our program focuses on…


Creating a positive attitude toward prayer and worship through mastery of significant blessings, prayers, and songs thereby giving our students skills so they may engage in meaningful worship in the synagogue.


Instilling a positive appreciation of ceremony in a religious life (traditions) through familiarity with the Jewish religious calendar, developing personal habits of ceremonial observance, and actively participating in a wide array of Jewish practices.

The Bible

Developing in our students a habit and a desire to read selected portions of the bible as literature to gain an appreciation of its religious and cultural values.

Ethics and Values

Appreciating the contribution of Jewish tradition and how it may influence one’s personal life; applying the ethics and values of our Jewish heritage to the issues we confront in today’s complex world.

The Hebrew Language

Developing an appreciation for the special importance of the Hebrew language in the life of the Jewish people. Exposing the students to the oral and written Hebrew language and encouraging its use in prayer and as a living language.

K’lal Israel – The Jewish People

Developing a sense of identification with the Jewish people and actively participating in all aspects of the Jewish community; acquiring knowledge of Jewish life in America, past and present; and understanding the importance of the State of Israel and its history.


Our students will study the many ways they can establish a personal spiritual relationship with holiness based on our Judaic past, Rabbi’s teaching, Bible study, and discussion.


Studying the problems that have universally concerned mankind, studying how the Jewish people have dealt with these problems in the past, appreciating the importance of Reform Judaism’s contributions, and developing a personal religious commitment through a recognition of what Judaism offers a person spiritually, theologically, and ritually.

Getting Started…

For Religious School materials, click HERE to visit our forms page.

Religious School Handbook

Religious School Calendar

Most of our students choose to become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Preparation for this ritual is provided by the Rabbi, the Director of Lifelong Learning and tutoring staff during an additional time slot, approximately 6 months prior to B’nei Mitzvah.

Reform Judaism has had a long tradition of Confirmation at the end of grade 10. Many of our students continue their studies beyond B’nei Mitzvah to become Confirmands at a beautiful special service.

The Tichon Program is designed to meet the needs of teens, to offer them a chance to build on their Jewish identities with their peers, to develop and enhance their leadership skills, and to engage in other meaningful experiences. This program also offers opportunities to participate in elective classes and serve as Madrichim.

Temple Shaarei Shalom believes that every child deserves the opportunity to be part of our Temple family and continue their Jewish Education. While we do not have a self-contained special needs program, we have an Inclusion-style program for our students.

Jay LevineReligious School